Current group members 


  1. Andrey Tarasov, joined in 2022
    • Supported by CFNS and DOE
    • Project “Gluon saturation and TMD’s”

Graduate students

  1. Shaswat Tiwari, joined in 2021
    • Supported by DOE Topical Collaboration SURGE
    • Project “First principle/non-perturbative calculations of gluon TMD’s at small x”
  2. Zichen Zhao, joined in 2021
    • Project “Running coupling at small x”, results submitted to JHEP
  3. Tiyasa Kar, joined in 2022
    • Project “Bose correlations in DIS, and subeikonal corrections in DIS”
  4. Ramkumar Radhakrishnan, joined in 2022
    • Project “Particle production at NLO and degenerate LCPT”

Undergraduate students

  1. Josh Ott
    • Project “Critical dynamics in Model B and Model H”, published in Phys. Rev. D
    • SULI at BNL’s lattice QCD group, 2023
    • Recipient of OUR Research Assistant Program, 2023-2024
    • Recipient of ASTRONAUT scholarship, 2024
    • Recipient of McCormick Award for undergraduate research (1st place), 2024
    • Nominee to Churchill scholarship, 2024
    • Participant in CERN Summer Student Programme, 2024
  2. Cameron Stephens
  3. Miles Bryant
    • Project “Yang-Lee ede singularity from Fourier coefficients of baryon number”, published in Phys. Rev. D

Table of contents